Improving the mobile experience in order to increase number of leads
Arquivei (Brazil)
Scope of work
User experience
User interface
Used tools
Aug 2020
The New Law Institute is an online law school focused in subjects such as technology, market and innovation. The School currently has a website as its main platform and wants to improve the experience of students and new leads, especially on the mobile interface.
I was responsible for the redesign of the site map and design focused on the mobile experience which was at that time, the school's main channel of lead acquisition.
The current website is not responsive, despite the majority of access occurring via mobile devices
The institute aims to increase sales but currently does not display all of its products on the website.
Based on the website already consolidated in desktop version and on a pdf material available on the page, it was possible to explore the products offered by the school.
online Postgraduate courses
short courses (postgraduate modules)
face-to-face meetings
immersion experiences in knowledge centers outside the country
Propose a mobile version of the website aiming the enhancement of lead generation and sales of graduate courses
Final design
Check more details about the case as follows
Suggested features
Competitive analysis: Mobile version - sales and lead capture
Online graduate model seems to have arrived in Brazil, but renowned institutions in education here still seem to be lagging behind the digital experience on their platforms, especially thinking about sales and lead capture on their websites.
Analyzed Mobile versions: Coursera, FGV and MBA USP Esalq.
Desk research: Law professionals - demographics
According to the survey in the Projuris Census (2020), legal professionals are quite adept at technology on a daily basis but also for professional purposes.
LinkedIn is the most used social network for professional purposes (attracting clients, advertising work).
Among the most used applications are social networks, news and document management. WhatsApp is used by over 90% of lawyers professionally. Legal software is also relevant: 48.9% use this tool to streamline day-to-day processes.
Research population is adept at reading: 66% of respondents read from 2 to 10 books and 14.1% read from 10 to 30 books in 2019.
Improvement: “Studying more” is the most acclaimed professional goal for 2020.
Source: ProJuris
When I look for an online course I want to make sure it's good, so that I can be a reference in the area of Law.
Functional Criteria (objective)
It has to fit my budget
Emotional (social) criteria
I will be able to assist other people in this matter
Emotional Criteria (personal)
I need to feel confident about the course: reviews or referrals from friends
I need to know the topics that will be covered
I need to know if the quality of the classes is good
Explain the course directly on the course page: better than downloading a guide;
Show the nanodegree product (course in modules);
Show more features and differentials of the course such as quiz, support material, forum, course evolution dashboard, etc.