Empowering design proposal with Usability test
Arquivei (Brazil)
Scope of work
User experience
User interface
Usability test
Atomic research
Used tools
Sep 2023 - Out 2023
Arquivei is the largest tax document automation and management SaaS platform in Brazil.
Over 15,000 business customers
Processes close to 30% of all B2B fiscal transactions in Brazil
From SMB to Enterprise customers
I was one of the two responsible designers for testing the design proposal and writing the recommendations for improvements.
In order to enable the scalability of the product and improve the usability of the system, a new proposal for the navigation was designed. The changes in the interface would be a bold move, so the usability test was the choice to validate some ideas and clear some doubts we had.
We faced significant constraints, including a tight deadline and a limited budget for conducting tests.
Problem Statement
How could we make sure that the new navigation would be both efficient and user-friendly?
We were uncertain whether the proposed clusters of the features and the depth of navigation would work.
Find out how the product performs to user expectations and identify usability problems
Final design
A report filled with insights and recommendations led to significant changes in the interface design, labels and clusters.
The produced insights also helped to build up a backlog of enhancements for further evolutions and opened up new ways to think the design of Information Architecture of Arquivei’s system.
Check more details about the case as follows
The test was held online, considering that our team was working remotely and also because it would broad our range of customers to interview.
We used the usage data to track the more suitable users to participate on the tests, considering number of logins by week and numbers regarding the usage of main features.
In partnership with the Customer Success team we reached out 368 users through in-apps in the platform and also e-mail. Inside the message we put a built-in app where the customer could directly book a test session.
12 testes were booked in 10 days of communications.
We created a version of the prototype using Figma that could be freely used: a single navigable prototype with several possibilities of interaction.
We did it that way to ensure that the response was not biased by having only one usage option. It included the navigation design proposal + the interfaces of the functionalities as they were up to that point.
Using Google meets and Useberry we secured that all the test was being recorded and the SUS questions respondend using a single link.
Instead of asking for the testers to find a feature, we created tasks focused on doing some of the most common tasks in the platform, guaranteeing that the tester would know which feature to look for.
Summary of the tasks
For features with more specific uses, the 3-level navigation structure did not work very well.
62.5% of users did not complete it
Accessing the account settings was the most difficult task for testers.
75.0% of users did not complete
From analysis to recommendations
Using Dovetail we transcribed, tag and clustered all the main parts from the tests. Following Atomic research principles, we highlighted facts, wrote insights from them and wrote recommendations to changes and improvements.
Having alternative tasks can be helpful to keep the test going on if something unexpected happens
It is important to have a diverse sample of testers, also considering the testers’ proficiency with the product